
Caring for Newborns During Coronavirus Pandemic

Caring for Newborns During Coronavirus Pandemic

June 5, 2020

Taking care of a newborn baby can have joyful moments — but it also comes with a lot of sleep-deprived stress. You love your baby and you want to do everything to protect them — while keeping them comfortable and safe. And, while this can feel like a tall order during regular times, it can […]

What is Labiaplasty Surgery (Vulvar Revisions)?

What is Labiaplasty Surgery (Vulvar Revisions)?

May 29, 2020

Plastic surgery is so common, it’s not unusual to know a few people who’ve had breast augmentation, a rhinoplasty, or liposuction. But when it comes to reconstructing the vagina, women are less willing to talk openly about it — or maybe they would be open about their experience if others bring it up. Either way, it’s […]

Does it Hurt When Your Hymen Breaks?

Does it Hurt When Your Hymen Breaks?

March 13, 2020

If you’ve never been to a gynecologist, you may have a lot of unanswered questions about your reproductive health. But, as with a lot of taboo subjects, you may feel like you don’t know who to ask for answers. One of the topics that tend to cause confusion among teenagers and younger women is their […]

reporting sexual assault to obgyn

Can Your OB-GYN Help if You’ve Been Sexually Assaulted?

March 25, 2019

Being sexually assaulted is one of the most traumatic experiences a person can go through. Feelings of disbelief, shock, shame, and anger become ever-present. The event can cause one to feel isolated as if no one could truly comprehend what happened. To add insult to injury, there are concerns about whether telling someone will result […]

How to Choose Your Baby's Name

How to Choose Your Baby’s Name

February 27, 2018

If you’re an expecting mother or already a parent, you know that choosing a name for your baby can take three trimesters or longer. Some mothers have had a list of names for their special moment since they were young. Others may have decided to name their children after relatives or someone who inspires them. […]

4 Tips for Quitting Smoking While Pregnant

How to Quit Smoking While Pregnant

February 23, 2018

4 Tips to Quit Smoking While Pregnant Chances are, you’ve tried to quit smoking before your pregnancy. We understand how difficult it can be to quit and know you want to give your baby the best life possible. Pregnancy is an excellent incentive for stopping but can limit your options. In this article we’ll go […]

Zika Virus Guidance

Zika Virus Guidance

February 18, 2016

In this hectic day and age, it can be hard to stay fully informed. With so many different news outlets and ways to receive information, how do you know what is accurate? If you’ve been keeping up with the news lately, then you surely have heard the words “Zika Virus.” While the virus has been […]

Nationwide ICD Code Changes

Nationwide ICD Code Changes

September 17, 2015

At the OB-GYN Women’s Centre of Lakewood Ranch, we strive to make your experience with us a positive one. That’s why we want to explain the transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10 and what it means for you, our valued patient. Effective Oct. 1, 2015, the ICD diagnosis codes used to bill insurances for services rendered […]