Month: September 2019

When do Symptoms of an STD Start

When do Symptoms of an STD Start?

September 30, 2019

Finding out you may have a sexually transmitted disease or infection (STD or STI) can be shocking, overwhelming, and terrifying. What would the symptoms be? Is it curable? How would you ever bring up the subject with new people you’d date? The first thing you need to know is that one out of every two Americans will contract a […]

Pregnancy and Chronic Health Conditions

Pregnancy and Chronic Health Conditions

September 20, 2019

Whether you’ve been planning to get pregnant or if you were surprised by the news, at some point, the initial emotions subside and you get into the planning stages. Prenatal care, notifying loved ones, picking out names, and decorating the baby’s room, is all time-consuming and exciting. If you have a chronic health condition, this […]

High-Risk Pregnancy

High-Risk Pregnancy

September 7, 2019

When it comes to pregnancy, there’s a wide range of emotions that vary from person to person: There are women who’ve been planning to expand their family and are thrilled about the news, while others aren’t exactly jumping up with joy, but eventually get used to the idea and start thinking of baby names and […]