Is Traveling Safe During Pregnancy?
We’ve all heard about the changes that usually happen with pregnancy: Some women have a beautiful glow. Others experience severe morning sickness that makes them (and their life partners) miserable for the entirety of the first trimester. Swollen feet are a new reality. Bigger breasts take center stage. Some smells make you want to vomit. […]
Do Gynecologists Test for STDs?
Going to the gynecologist is hardly anyone’s favorite activity. You have to step on a scale and hear how much you weigh. You have to fully undress in a cold room with fluorescent lights. You have to sit there, naked, save for a thin paper robe, then lay down and spread your knees apart so […]
At What Age Should I Start Going to the Gynecologist?
If you’ve never been to a gynecologist, it can be scary to think about those kind of visits. Not only will you get one of your most vulnerable body parts examined, you’ll also discuss your sexual history and concerns with a total stranger. Let’s get one thing out of the way first: There is no […]