Women’s Care

Annual Gynecology Check-Ups

Why Are Annual Gynecology Check-Ups Important?

May 13, 2024

You may already know you should see your gynecologist for your annual check-up.  But you may only know some of the reasons why.  Regular annual gynecology check-ups are a crucial aspect of women’s health care, offering a range of benefits that contribute to overall well-being and early disease detection. Here’s why these check-ups are so […]

frequently asked questions

GYN Women’s Centre of Lakewood Ranch: Addressing Frequently Asked Questions

December 13, 2023

If you are requesting an appointment with one of our Gynecologists, you may have some questions about what you can expect.  We completely understand.  That is why we are pulling together some of the most frequently asked questions for you here.  We hope you find them helpful! Please ensure you bring completed paperwork if you […]

questions to ask your gynecologist

Questions To Ask Your Gynecologist

November 9, 2023

Do you have an appointment to see your Gynecologist soon or are you looking to schedule an appointment?  If so, you may be wondering what to expect during your visit, especially if it is your first visit.  Also, you might be curious about what questions to ask your Gynecologist.  We will cover what to expect […]


Tips To Keep Your Vagina Healthy 

August 19, 2023

Vaginal health is often a topic of concern for most women.  Not only that, it is also common for women to be concerned about whether or not they should shave or wax their pubic hair.  Also, many can be self-conscious from time to time about vaginal odor.  We hope to address some of these concerns […]

hormone therapy

How Hormone Therapy Helps Fight Breast Cancer

August 17, 2023

If you or someone you love have been faced with a breast cancer diagnosis you may be curious to learn more about hormone therapy.  It is a good plan to do your research when it comes to any medical diagnosis.  You may not always know what questions you should be asking your healthcare provider.  If […]

Differences Between Gynecology & Obstetric Care Services

The Differences Between Gynecology & Obstetric Care Services

April 19, 2023

As you may have already heard, our practice will no longer be offering Obstetric care effective on August 1, 2023.  We will however still be offering our Gynecology services.  What does that mean exactly?  Well, we hope we can answer your questions here, today. Gynecology Services – Provided By Our Office  We will continue offering […]



January 12, 2023

Having a baby is an amazing experience. In most cases, vaginal births are usually preferred, but in some cases, a C-section (cesarean section or cesarean delivery) is the only safe option. A C-section carries risks and benefits, which should be discussed with your healthcare provider. Curious to learn more about C-sections? What Is A C-section? […]

beauty tips and tricks

Beauty Tips & Tricks

December 17, 2022

We all know it is important to take care of ourselves.  Eating right, drinking plenty of water, exercising, and getting enough sleep is key.  Simple enough, right?  Did you know that creating a beauty regimen can help to boost your mood? Especially, if you have been feeling down.  Sometimes just taking time to put on that […]

pregnancy and infant loss

Pregnancy & Infant Loss

October 15, 2022

The loss of a baby is a sad reality for many families.  As many of us know, the grieving process has multiple layers that take patience, love, and support to go through.  Please know that you are not alone that there is support for you and that it is okay to heal the way you […]

vaginal rejuvenation

Vaginal Rejuvenation

September 28, 2022

You may have read or seen an interview where celebrities have been singing the praises of vaginal rejuvenation or vaginal lasering.  Everyone from the Kardashians to the stars of Desperate Housewives has discussed such procedures.  You may find yourself asking “what is it exactly?”  There are different treatment options to consider and we can discuss […]