
What is Labiaplasty Surgery (Vulvar Revisions)?

May 29, 2020

Plastic surgery is so common, it’s not unusual to know a few people who’ve had breast augmentation, a rhinoplasty, or liposuction. But when it comes to reconstructing the vagina, women are less willing to talk openly about it — or maybe they would be open about their experience if others bring it up. Either way, it’s not exactly the type of conversation that typically comes up over coffee. So, if you’ve ever heard about vulvar revisions, you may be wondering what it entails. What, exactly, is it for? What are some good reasons to get one? And, what’s the expected recovery time?

What is labiaplasty surgery?

Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure performed to decrease the size of the labia minora. While it may be easy to confuse it with other types of vaginal procedures — such as vaginal rejuvenation — labiaplasty involves an operation. Meanwhile, other types of processes under the rejuvenation techniques can be done with lasers or radiofrequency. During a labiaplasty, a surgeon removes excess skin from the labia minora, and sometimes from the clitoral hood.

The procedure can be performed within an hour and is an outpatient surgery. It can also be done with either local or general anesthesia. Your plastic surgeon will make a decision depending on the treatment plan that works best for you.

Reasons to get labiaplasty surgery?

There is no specific normal way a vagina should look. Some women have short labia minora, while others have it elongated past the labia majora. However, having an elongated labia minora may cause some issues — such as discomfort while having sexual intercourse, visible outline through yoga pants, and/or embarrassment over its physical appearance. Therefore, different women have different reasons for undergoing labiaplasty surgery. These often include:

  • To restore the way their vagina looks after giving birth
  • To reduce the likelihood of chronic urinary tract infections
  • To reduce discomfort caused by excess skin
  • For cosmetic purposes — such as not liking the way their vagina looks, or to make it look younger

Types of Labiaplasty Surgery

Trim Labiaplasty

This is the most common method of performing a labiaplasty. It involves making an incision that removes the outer edge of the labia minora — to either make it even with the labia majora or to have it fully hidden inside it.

Wedge Labiaplasty

For this technique, the surgeon removes a v-shaped wedge from the thickest part of both sides of the labia minora, then stitches the edges together. This is done to give the vagina a more natural look by preserving wrinkled edges.

Recovery Time After Labiaplasty Surgery

Recovery time could take up to four weeks. After the procedure, your doctor will give you post-surgery recovery instructions to promote proper healing. These include:

  • Wearing a pad to absorb minor bleeding
  • Taking antibiotics to reduce inflammation
  • Avoiding long showers
  • Pat dry after washing
  • Wearing lose-fitting underwear and clothes
  • Avoiding sexual intercourse
  • Avoiding certain exercises — such as running and/or riding a bicycle
  • Avoiding tampons

If You’re Considering Labiaplastry Surgery, OB-GYN Women’s Center Can Help

At OB-GYN Women’s Center, we aim to make all of our patients feel comfortable. And getting answers to all your questions is the first step in getting the treatment you need.

Contact us to schedule an appointment.

