How to Prevent Stretch Marks
Pregnancy brings a lot of changes to your body. While it’s a fun and exciting time, not all of those changes are welcome — particularly those stretch marks that can begin to form around your stomach. While stretch marks are perfectly natural and nothing to be ashamed of, many women would prefer not to have […]
How Much Weight Should I Gain While Pregnant?
To say your body will experience a few changes during pregnancy is an understatement. As your body prepares to bring a little one into this world, you’ll experience a laundry list of physical changes. While some of the changes are great (hello, thicker and shinier hair!), some of them aren’t as welcomed — like weight […]
The Danger of Smoking While Pregnant
When you’re pregnant, everything that goes into your body goes into your baby’s body as well. Suddenly, it’s not only your health that is important, but also your child’s. Cigarettes contain 4,000 chemicals, 43 of which have been linked to cancer. While cigarettes are harmful for adults, they are even more dangerous to fetuses. The […]
Dyspareunia: Pain During Sex
Painful intercourse, also known as dyspareunia, can be caused by a wide number of reasons varying from medical to psychological. Many women feel as though there is something wrong with them when sex becomes painful, however it is actually a very common condition. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists estimates that nearly three out […]
Benefits of Taking a Probiotic
Benefits of Taking a Probiotic More than likely, you’re bombarded with health fads on a daily basis. With each one promising quick weight loss, perfect health, or other preposterous claims, it can be hard to weed out the real from the fake. While you may have heard the word probiotic thrown around here and here, […]
Why Do Pregnant Women Experience Cravings?
Pickles and ice cream may not sound like a great combination, but when you’re pregnant, it’s the perfect midnight snack. We all hear about those bizarre foods women crave when they’re expecting, but what do their bodies actually need? Is there any reason to suddenly desire cheese whiz on your pasta? Find out exactly what […]
Is My Vaginal Discharge Normal?
Vaginal discharge serves a variety of purposes. Besides cleaning and moistening the vagina, vaginal discharge helps to prevent and fight infections. Vaginal discharge can vary in color, texture and amount, depending on a girl’s menstrual cycle. Certain changes in vaginal discharge can be indicative of a health issue. What Color Should Normal Vaginal Discharge Be? […]
Can I Safely Lose Weight While Pregnant?
While pregnancy is certainly not the ideal time to begin a new weight loss regimen, there are ways to healthily monitor your weight while pregnant. Some women may become pregnant while in the process of losing weight and it’s perfectly understandable to want to maintain the loss. Similarly, women who are already at their ideal […]
How Do I Know If I’m Going Through Menopause?
Although the symptoms of menopause vary, one thing’s for sure: it happens to every woman. While some women get through menopause without any complications or undesirable side effects, others experience debilitating symptoms that can last for years. Learn the early signs of menopause so you can be prepared for the change! What is Menopause? | […]
Pregnancy After 35: What To Expect
Today, many women are waiting until later in life to have children. In fact, the number of women having their first child between the ages of 35 to 44 has increased from 26% 10 years ago to around 40% today, according to the National Health Statistics Reports. While there is nothing wrong with waiting until […]