
Service Update: Womens Centre Open for Appointments

May 4, 2020


First and foremost, we hope you are staying safe and healthy during this challenging time. As always, that is our top priority as your healthcare provider.

Office Update and Patient Safety

In accordance with the State of Florida guidelines, we have opened our office for all appointments on May 04, 2020. Please know that we are taking the utmost precautions to ensure the absolute highest safety standards that meet all Federal, State, and County guidelines. This includes having the necessary supplies and protective equipment for the staff as well as cleaning and hygiene methods and social distancing practices for all patients and staff. To learn more about the patient safety protocols we have in place for office appointments, please visit our Patient Resource site.

Schedule Your Appointment

Please call our office at 941-907-3008 between 9 am – 4 pm to make your appointment, or for your convenience, you can utilize the patient portal for scheduling purposes as well as questions and concerns. Our team will be happy to assist you. All patients will need to wear a mask or an acceptable face covering for in-office appointments. In order to continue the self-distancing guidelines, we kindly ask that all patients must come to their appointment alone, no infants, no children, no spouse or support person until further notice.

Telehealth Appointments

Ob/Gyn Women’s Centre will continue to offer Telehealth for select appointments for greater convenience and flexibility for those patients who prefer this option. Please call our office at 941-907-3008 to learn if your medical need can be effectively met through a virtual visit with a provider.

Additional Resources

The following websites provide additional information related to the Federal and State guidelines and recommendations for healthcare services during this time:

You may also want to visit any local county sites where our office is located or where you live.

Thank you for your continued trust and patience. We look forward to seeing you in the office very soon. If you need to contact your provider before your appointment or at any other time, please call us at 941-907-3008.

The Medical Team at Ob/Gyn Women’s Centre of Lakewood Ranch

