Month: July 2024

Are Your Friendships Beneficial To Your Health?

July 13, 2024

When you think of your friendships, many thoughts may come to mind. For instance, you may feel gratitude when you think of your friendships, or maybe you miss the ones that have moved away, or you wish you had more free time to spend with your friends. It is probably safe to say that the […]

PMS symptoms

Do You Ever Find Yourself Battling Intense Food Cravings Right Before Your Period?

July 3, 2024

As your period approaches, do you find that you start having intense food cravings such as chocolate or ice cream?  You may already know that these symptoms are all part of PMS (premenstrual syndrome).  But why do you find yourself spoon-deep in a pint of ice cream just before your period?  Food cravings are just […]