
The OB-GYN’s Ultimate Guide to Treating Yourself

February 13, 2016

Learning to love yourself is easier said than done. Yet in this hectic day and age, pampering your inner-goddess is necessary. Here is OB-GYN Women’s Centre of Lakewood Ranch’s ultimate guide on how to treat the one and only. It’s not just face scrubs and soaking in the bath, it’s also appreciating your body, your mind and your worth. Here are some great ways to carve out some “me” time and show yourself that you care.

1. Flattery Will Get You Everywhere

Everyone loves flattery, your body included. When you look in the mirror every morning, think of three to five things that you love about your body. You are a strong and powerful woman. Let your body know how much you appreciate it. Be mindful of how you talk to yourself and remember to go easy. We all deserve love and that includes self-love as well.

2. Eat a Healthy, Balanced Diet

It’s hard to feel great about yourself when you’re stuffing your body with pizza, burgers, sugary drinks and the like. Try sticking to a diet that is mostly comprised of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. You will be amazed at how quickly you feel better about yourself and your body. It’s easy to have a clear head space when you nourish yourself with clean and nutrient-rich foods.

3. Get Active

Many women report feeling more in tune with their bodies after they exercise. You don’t have to lift weights at the gym five times a week to feel this effect. Doing yoga, pilates, ballet barre classes or just regular stretches are all ways that you can use movement to get in touch with your physical self.

4. Write It Down

Once we put something into words, it’s a lot easier for us to comprehend how we feel. Journaling is a great way to practice and show self-love, appreciation and mindfulness. Make a list of things that make you happy as well as a list of your daily routine. If the lists don’t overlap, try to adjust your schedule accordingly. It’s all about understanding ourselves and feeling loved.
Now that we’ve covered how to emotionally and physically fill your own love tank, it’s time to indulge in goddess delicacies. You don’t need to break the bank in order to treat yourself with face scrubs and hair moisturizers. Look in your cabinet to find everything you might need to pamper your inner-goddess.

5. Get Sweet

First, make yourself a luxurious sugar scrub. Expensive? Only in bath and beauty stores. To make your own, you’ll need a half cup of sugar and a half cup of oil. Try light oils like almond or sesame, which soak into your skin better. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil or perfume (careful—it’s easy to overdo this step). Mix it all together and store it in an airtight jar, and you’ll have a sugar scrub that leaves you feeling as silky smooth as any goddess.

6. Crack Some Eggs

Want to make your hair look great? Cover it with egg. The yolk contains natural moisturizers and the white removes excess oils. (Use only the white if you have naturally oily hair.) Use enough egg to coat your clean, damp hair and scalp. Leave it on for about 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water and use your usual shampoo. Like the results? You can repeat them once a month (or twice a month if you use only the whites).

7. Handy Dandy

Give yourself part of a manicure by exfoliating your hands. They do a lot for you, so show them some love from time to time. Use  your homemade sugar scrub to refresh your skin. Follow it with your favorite moisturizer. Take your time and treat your hands to a massage as you rub in the cream.

8. Soak it up

If your inner goddess is screaming for attention, treat her to a luxurious bath. Put on soothing music, pour a glass of wine, light a few candles and soak in the tub until you feel boneless.

OB-GYN Women’s Centre of Lakewood Ranch

The highly trained staff at OB-GYN Women’s Centre of Lakewood Ranch wants every woman to feel like a powerful, confident and healthy goddess. For any of your gynecological concerns in the Lakewood Ranch, FL area, please call today.