
What to Expect During Your Second Trimester

April 1, 2015

The second trimester of your pregnancy is an exciting time! Not only will you be able to find out the baby’s gender, but the unpleasant symptoms from your first trimester are likely fading away. But, while you may feel back to your old self, your body is still changing every day and you may start experiencing some strange symptoms. Here are some of the things you can expect during your second trimester:

1. Back Pain

During your second trimester, you may start noticing you have increased back pain. As you gain pregnancy weight, there is added pressure on your back, which may make it achy and sore. There are lots of ways you can help to ease the pain in your back. For starters, make sure you have good posture and use a chair that provides excellent support. You may also find that sleeping on your side with a pillow between your legs can help with the pain as well.

2. Enlarged Breasts

During your first trimester, you may have felt a lot of breast tenderness. The tenderness should wear off by the second trimester but you may notice that your breasts have gone up a size. As your breasts continue to grow to prepare for your baby, you may experience breast or back pain as a result. Going up a bra size and wearing supportive undergarments can help you feel more comfortable.

3. Bleeding Gums

Nearly half of all pregnant women will develop swollen and tender gums during the second trimester. As your hormones change, the body naturally sends more blood to your gums. This makes the gums sensitive and causes them to bleed easier. This will typically go away once the baby is born, but in the meantime, try use a soft-bristle toothbrush.

4. Nosebleeds

Speaking of hormone changes, you can thank these hormones if you’re experiencing nosebleeds during the second trimester. Hormonal changes can cause the mucus membranes that line your nose to swell. This can lead to congestion, irritation and nosebleeds. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, don’t reach for the decongestant. Try saline drops and other natural remedies first.

Get the Care You Deserve Through Every Stage of Pregnancy From OB-GYN Women’s Centre of Lakewood Ranch

Pregnancy is one of the most exciting times in a woman’s life, so it’s important to have a team of experienced healthcare professionals and physicians to guide you through the process. At OB-GYN Women’s Centre, we provide comprehensive gynecological services and can give you the care and support you need from planning your pregnancy to after your child is born. To learn more about OB-GYN Women’s Centre, click here, or give us a call today!