Hypothyroidism & Pregnancy
Finding out you’re pregnant comes with many emotions. Depending on the person and her circumstances, these may include shock, happiness, and maybe even a little bit of fear about the unknown. And if you have an underlying health condition — such as hypothyroidism — you may be wondering how it could affect your pregnancy and […]
Spotting vs Period
When it comes to reproductive health, some women are an open book. They have no issue bringing up the subject and discussing it openly — with their friends, female relatives, and their doctors. Others feel like the topics are embarrassing or taboo, so when they have questions regarding vaginal discharge, they may feel adrift as to who […]
Braxton Hicks vs Real Contractions
If you’re pregnant for the first time, you’ve noticed the long list of physical discomforts that come with it — such as morning sickness, breast tenderness, and having to urinate on a regular basis. As the pregnancy gets further along, you get swollen ankles, you feel fatigued easily, and trying to find a comfortable sleeping […]
What are Braxton Hicks Contractions?
When you’re pregnant for the first time, you experience a long list of new sensations. Morning sickness, breast tenderness, needing extra sleep, and having to urinate with frequency are some of the most common symptoms. Then there are the cute surprises — such as when you feel your baby kicking for the first time, or […]
Types of Ultrasounds
Finding out you’re pregnant for the first time is a life-changing experience. You can be shocked, excited, and scared, all at the same time. Or, if you’ve had children before, you may be wondering how having a new family member will change the dynamics at home, or how much busier you will be. But, regardless […]
Abnormal Pap Smear Test
Every year, women all over the country go to their gynecologist for their annual pap smear test — which is part of their well-woman exam. The routine is familiar. You arrive at your scheduled appointment, you’re given several minutes alone to undress and put on a paper robe, and you lay down on an examination table […]
Vaginal Itching: Why is my Vagina Itchy?
When it comes to women’s health, there are plenty of subjects that friends are happy to engage in conversation — how to deal with PMS, experiences with different types of birth control, the discomforts that come with pregnancy, adjusting to postpartum life, the confusion that comes with perimenopause, and the hot flashes of menopause. Yet, […]
Signs of a Miscarriage
Having a miscarriage is a devastating experience. There’s nothing anyone can say to make expectant parents feel better about it, so we’re not even going to try. However, if you’re looking into becoming pregnant, it’s a good idea to become familiar with general information and statistics. This is because doing so can alert women to […]
Important COVID-19 Announcement
Services Update 9/7: Starting September 8th, ObGyn Women’s Centre will now allow ONE support person during obstetrical sonograms. All Patients Will Be Screened Prior to Entering the Office Our Screening Process: Temperature check Exposure risk questions asked Have you been EXPOSED (come in contact with a known diagnosed person) or diagnosed (tested positive) with the […]
Can Cats Sense Pregnancy?
Finding out you’re pregnant can come with a lot of surprises — the positive test, the suddenness of morning sickness, and the frequent urge to urinate. You also deal with a wide range of emotions as you tell your loved ones and — if it’s your first pregnancy — navigate uncharted territory. But, what you […]