Month: March 2018


Should I Cancel My Gynecologist Appointment if I Have my Period?

March 25, 2018

Can You Go to the Gynecologist on Your Period? How do you feel when you’re on your period? For some women, not much changes, other than having to put in tampons and the occasional bloating. For others, the symptoms can range anywhere from becoming moody and emotional to having awful cramps and headaches. There is […]


How To Have a Healthy Pregnancy When You’re Diabetic

March 20, 2018

If you have diabetes, you have a long list of issues to be concerned about: your blood sugar levels, taking insulin shots, eating the right foods, having to pee a lot. But when you find out you’re pregnant, you have a new set of worries: Will your baby be ok? How will the hormonal changes […]


Gonorrhea, Chlamydia and Syphilis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

March 15, 2018

When it comes to “freaking out worthy” events, being diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease comes pretty close to the top. What will happen to your nether regions (or your throat)? Do they have a cure? How are you going to share this information with future sex partners? You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers. Understanding […]